
Lisa Lisa

As the front woman for full force's cult jam, Lisa Lisa enjoyed a string of chart-topping songs, beginning with "I wonder if I take you home,” released by full force productions, "I wonder if I take you home" created enough of a stir to secure the group a recording contract with Columbia records. Their debut album, Lisa Lisa & cult jam with full force, built upon the success of "I wonder if I take you home" with the ballad "all cried out". covered by R&B girl group allure in 1997, "all cried out" earned Lisa Lisa & cult jam their second charting single and catapulted the album to platinum status. Released in 1987, their sophomore release, Spanish fly, also achieved platinum sales with singles such as "head to toe" and "lost emotion" keeping cult jam on the charts and making Lisa Lisa an international star.

Her Hits Include "Can You Feel The Beat," "I Wonder If I Take You Home," "Head To Toe," "All Cried Out," "Let The Beat Hit 'Em," "Skip To My Lu," "When I Fell In Love," and "Lost In Emotion.”